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ItemBibliographies curated for the research project GHOST( 2020) Sariyannis, MarinosBibliographies collected for the research project The archive (.zip,.rar) contains bibliographic references as seperate BibTex files (.bib) seperated into the following categories 1. Magic and occultism in non-Islamic cultures 2. Magic and occultism in Islamicate societies 3. Magic and occultism in Ottoman culture 4. Nature, the preternatural and the supernatural in Islam 5. History of Ottoman science
ItemThe limits of going global: The case of “Ottoman Enlightenment(s)”(Wiley, 2020) Marinos SariyannisThe paper seeks to summarize the discussions of the lasttwo decades on the existence of a phenomenon that can benamed “Ottoman Enlightenment.” It discusses the Germandebates on Reinhardt Schulze's suggestion of an “IslamicEnlightenment,” as well as more recent studies on theemergence of a different view of the nature and the worldin Istanbul during the first decades of the 18th century.These debates are analyzed in the context of differentdefinitions of “Enlightenment,” as well as of the relationsbetween different ethnolinguistic groups within theOttoman Empire. The paper emphasizes the axes of a“democratization of knowledge” or the “massive diffusionof individual reasoning as a legitimate source of truth,” onthe one hand, and the procedure of a “disenchantment ofthe world” as it is connected with the Enlightenment phe-nomenon, on the other. It suggests that, whereas we maytrace certain parallels of such procedures between theOttoman and the Western and Central European model, thelack of integration of such ideas in the curriculum of institu-tional education in the Ottoman Empire might have beenthe most important obstacle that kept these ideas frombeing transformed into a real “Ottoman Enlightenment."
ItemAca’ib: Occasional Papers on the Ottoman Perceptions of the Supernatural - Volume 1 (2020)(Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH, 2020-01) Sariyannis, Marinos
ItemAca’ib: Occasional Papers on the Ottoman Perceptions of the Supernatural - Volume 2 (2021)(Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH, 2021-12) Sariyannis, Marinos
Item«Nous étions tous stupéfaits et effrayés» : Émotions ottomanes face au surnaturel.(Peeters, 2022) Marinos SariyannisOttoman literature, from descriptions of the earth and from biographies of the great Sufi sheikhs to Evliya Çelebi’s narrative and from realistic novels to first-person narratives, is full of supernatural apparitions: ghosts and jinn, but mostly emissaries from the invisible world or ghayb appear often not only in fiction, but also in accounts purportedly relating faithfully real facts. Based on a sample of texts covering a large time span, this paper proposes a classification of the emotions described by Ottoman authors vis-à-vis the supernatural experience and suggests some hypotheses on what we can deduce regarding Ottoman attitudes toward the world and the Hereafter.
ItemAca’ib: Occasional Papers on the Ottoman Perceptions of the Supernatural - Volume 3 (2022)(Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH, 2022-02) Sariyannis, Marinos
ItemInsights into Janissary Networks, 1700-1826(Izmir Katip Celebi University, 2022-07-01) Spyropoulos, YannisThis special issue comprises a collection of essays exploring the history of the Janissaries, serving as the first installment in a planned series of publications examining the processes that established the Janissary Corps as a formidable political and socioeconomic force both in the Ottoman center and the provinces. The articles featured here originated as presentations at a workshop held at İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University in September 2021, organized as part of the ERC-funded project “JaNeT: Janissaries in Ottoman Port-Cities: Muslim Financial and Political Networks in the Early Modern Mediterranean.” This project investigates the operations of Janissary networks within the Ottoman Empire, framing them as integral components of broader Muslim political and economic networks spanning much of the Mediterranean region.
ItemPayitaht Yeniçerileri. Padişahın “Asi” Kulları 1700-1826( 2022-08) Yıldız, Aysel ; Spyropoulos, Yannis ; Sunar, M. MertJanissaries have a special place in the history of Istanbul. For centuries they represented an important element of the imperial capital, shaping the latter's politics and economy, establishing deep ties with its inhabitants and enriching its culture. As they evolved into a large decentralized army present in most fortresses of the Ottoman empire —especially from the 17th century onward, their rapidly increasing numbers in the imperial urban space deepened and complicated their relations with the population of the cities where they were located. This was also the case with Istanbul where the Janissaries grew into an essential component of its economic, social, and cultural life. This book attempts at studying the Janissaries from the perspective of their involvement into the 18th- and early 19th-century Istanbul's socioeconomic and political history, while avoiding to engage into the elitist, centralist, and reductionist discourse which —under the influence of the decline paradigm— has associated them with the image of a conservative reactionary group responsible for the empire's downfall. Instead, the contributors of this volume treat the members and affiliates of the corps as everyday people forming social relations and networks, and as political and economic actors who were in constant interaction with the society they lived in, changing it as much as they changed themselves in the process. This collective volume has been published in the framework of the ERC-funded project “JANET: Janissaries in Ottoman Port Cities: Muslim Financial and Political Networks in the Early Modern Mediterranean,” a project dedicated to examining the functioning of Janissary networks in the Ottoman Empire, conceiving of them as inextricably connected to Muslim political and economic networks across a large part of the Mediterranean.
ItemA Tale of Two Cities: Jābarṣā/Jābalqā and Their Metamorphoses(De Gruyter, 2024) Marinos SariyannisAlthough the twin cities at the west and east edges of the world, Jābarṣā (Jābarṣ, Jābalṣā, Jāburṣā) and Jābalqā (Jābalq, Jābarqā), are somehow commonplace in Islamicate cosmographies throughout the medieval period, surprisingly little research exists on them. The main lines of the legend, as formulated by the medieval traditionalists and cosmographers, are as follows: there are two cities at the uttermost east and west parts of the inhabited world, where the sun rises and sets. The inhabitants suffer from the extreme heat and the noise made by the sun in its rising and setting; they have to hide in caves and make their own noise to be protected. In the various versions of the story, some elements lack or differ; the cities are often connected with other legends related to the edge of the world, such as Dhū l-Qarnayn, the Gog and Magog/Yājūj and Mājūj, Muḥammad’s night journey, the remnants of the ʿĀd tribe, and so forth. The paper traces the origins of the legend, its formation and various formulations during the Islamic Middle Ages, the significant change it underwent in the late medieval Illuminationist (ishrāqī) philosophy, and finally its survival and fading away to a status of folktale utopia in Ottoman literature and scholarship.
ItemAca’ib: Occasional Papers on the Ottoman Perceptions of the Supernatural - Volume 4 (2023/2024)(Isntitute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH, 2024-06) Sariyannis, Marinos